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Sun Printing on Fabric

Sun Printing on Fabric                                 
·         100% cotton fabric washed and dried
·         Freezer paper
·         Fabric paint                                                                     
·         Brushes
·         Cardboard (larger than fabric)
·         Tape
·         Leaves and flowers
·         Plexiglass or screen wire (optional)
Tape a piece of freezer paper to the cardboard with shiny side up.
Tape fabric on top of freezer paper.  Wet the surface of the fabric using a large paint brush or spray bottle. Dilute the fabric paint with a water (1: 1 ratio). Paint sections of the fabric letting the colors bleed together.  Use analogous colors rather than complementary. While the paint is still wet, arrange the leaves and flowers top side down over the surface pressing them down with your fingers making sure the edges of the leaves and flowers lie flat. The more contact with the fabric, the sharper the lines will be in the end. They may overlap. Put plexiglass or screen wire over the top if it is a windy day.  Place the cardboard with fabric in the sun to dry.
After your fabric is dry, remove all the leaves and flowers. Take the tape off and iron the fabric. Your fabric can be used as you would any fabric.  Consider a top of a throw pillow, a placemat, incorporated into a quilt, tote bag pocket, etc.

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